Tips To Reduce Stress While Driving

03 January, 2014

W hether you are stressed out by the poor driving standards of others or are simply stressed because you can never reach your destination fast enough there are some easy steps that can be taken to calm.

Whatever the situation you will help your stress levels and impact your health positively by reading these tips to reduce stress while driving.

10 Tips To Reduce Stress While Driving

1 Stay alert
Even the best drivers will make mistakes when tired.  Try and get a good night's sleep, especially before long journeys, and be prepared to stop for at least 15 minutes every two hours and take your time. 

2 Revisit your Highway Code
Quick reactions won't stop you having an accident but spotting and responding to problems ahead in plenty of time will.  Knowing the rules of the road could significantly reduce problems, keeping you safe and legal. 

3 Learn to communicate
Clear communication with other drivers is essential to both your safety and theirs.  Make friendly eye contact, avoid driving in blind spots and in conditions of poor visibility remember to use the correct lights.

4 Plan ahead
Allow yourself plenty of time to arrive.  By giving yourself extra time, long waits at traffic lights, traffic incidents and even making wrong turns won't set you into frenzy about missing an appointment.

5 Use modern technology
The satellite navigation systems guide you into the unknown without worrying about getting lost.  Other than step-by-step directions into the unknown, sat.navs can also alert and divert your trip around traffic jams.

6 Put yourself in their shoes
Remember everyone makes mistakes so don't show frustration by making gestures to other drivers as it could be you on the receiving end! Try to stay calm and avoid provoking or fuelling road rage.

7 Exercise some etiquette
When traffic is merging, let one car in, then go yourself.  Not only is this polite, it will make you more confident in your decisions and reactions.  Remember you should be driving like you own the car, not the road!

8 Polish up your driving skills
Take a course of refresher driving lessons especially if certain road conditions worry you or the thought of driving in the rain, snow or the dark fill you with dread before getting into a car.

9 Keep it fresh
Try to circulate as much fresh air as possible through your car and take deep breaths.  Shallow breathing restricts the flow of oxygen and can heighten feelings of panic and stress, as can an uncomfortable atmosphere.

10 Drive to the beat
Listen to music that keeps you calm.  Choose music that has similar beats per minute to your heart rate.  Find something that makes you happy and mellow.  In other words, lose the banging dance music!

Make sure that your own driving is not adding to the anxiety you experience. 

Drive responsibly and set a good example for others, within the speed limit, signalling when needed, etc.  You need to make sure you're not contributing to this by driving in a way that is dangerous.


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