Training just to pass the driving test should be frowned upon

04 April, 2013

M uch has been reported about the poor driving behaviour most motorists experience on a daily basis is either accepted as normal or ignored as a matter of routine.

One possible reason is the emphasis for the learner driver seems to focus on passing a driving test after which few people care how badly you drive as long as you don't crash or get caught speeding?

Training just to pass the driving test should be frowned upon but who is to blame for this mentality?

Learner drivers


Learner drivers are faced with a mass of information and the challenges of new experiences when learning to drive. 

Statistics highlight, that it is not uncommon for learners to take an average of 40 plus hours of professional tuition and additional private practice.  This would typically spread throughout a year of learning.

It would not be uncommon for teenagers to succumb to strong peer pressure, encouraging this period to be shortened, for either selfish or egotistical reasons.

It's reasonable to expect teenagers to want to achieve what their friends expect or have achieved themselves.

Youngster's natural exuberance, immaturity, and risk-taking are among the hallmarks of young life, so is it any surprise that teen drivers exhibit a lack maturity in decision making and avoid risk taking?



Young drivers have sat and watched from the passenger seats over many years, the styles, language and skills displayed by their parents when driving. 

The example of set by the parents of natural confidence, experience and adapted driving techniques is automatically transferred over time which may make the task look easier than actually is in practice.

How often have we heard parents telling their children they passed their driving tests back in the day after only taking 10 driving lessons?

Whilst this may have been true or perhaps have a slight twist added, the demands of driving in today's era and the criteria in place to pass the driving tests have changed dramatically.

It may be through a lack of honest ignorance or appreciation that clouds the parent's judgement of what is expected and reaching the desired outcomes.

Funding a course of driving lessons can initially seem daunting and this cost typically rests with the parents at least until the planned amount of hours have surpassed. 

In these difficult economic times, the price and amount of driving lessons have to be accounted for compared to all our other needs but what price should be placed on safety?

A provocative thought should be considered at this time,

"When it comes to electrics I pay a professional so I don't kill someone but when my children learn to drive I do it myself to save money"

Driving Instructors


Driving instructors are human and like most other people are also susceptible to pressure. 

Instructors will feel obliged to consider the pupils needs and desires, baying to whatever makes the learner happy.

The market is led by what the driving schools perceives to be what the consumer wants. 

As a consequence, the demand for intensive driving courses and 'pass the test quickly' brands entice learners into a practice that is frowned upon by most in the driver training industry yet sill advertised.

Unfortunately, few instructors lack the professionalism of placing the correct ideals over a need to earn a living.  This false practice only compounds the problem of selling a short course of lessons to meet minimum standards.

The Government


The governments over the years have tinkered with the driving test as a result of seeing fatality rates, road traffic collisions and insurance costs spiral, much of which is apportioned to the new driver.

It's often suggested that a learner driver doesn't really begin to learn until they have a full driving licence.  This of course isn't true although it may be argued that a course of driving lessons don't necessarily meet day to day driving requirements as we explored an earlier blog, Driving lessons include fuel stops and Drive thru

Alterations to the age people learn to drive, can take a driving test and restrictions placed upon newly qualified drivers may only prolong the inevitable.

The government needs to place more emphasis on education, perhaps the most critical aspect.

More attention needs to be placed on pre and post test training which would introduce learner drivers into taking responsibility and acceptance of the safety of themselves and other road users.

Whilst changes have been implemented, radical alterations are necessary to educate all concerned thus promoting safe driving for life.

Please feel free to enter your comments on who is to blame.


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